The nineteenth conference of Libyan surgeons held
From the 26th to the 27th of May at the National Institute of Oncology.
With the start of the initial preparations for the launch of the nineteenth conference of the Libyan Society of Surgeons, a meeting was held with the coordinating members of the workshop and the events of the conference activities on Tuesday 25-5-2021 at the National Institute of Oncology, which takes place from 26 to 27 of May.

Today, Wednesday morning, the activities of the first day of the workshop on advanced laparoscopic surgeries started in the main hall of the Skills and Research Center of the National Institute of Oncology in Misurata, under the supervision of the Libyan Society of Surgeons and the National Institute of Oncology in Misurata and in cooperation with the Accuracy Health Company to import orthopedic devices and equipment and equip hospitals with the participation of 26 doctors Various Libyan cities.
As this day included a number of lectures under the supervision of a group of specialists and doctors at the institute, as well as training workshops for doctors, and the conference was broadcast live via the “Zoom” program via the Internet.
A part of the activities of the first day of a training workshop on advanced laparoscopic surgeries, under the supervision of the Libyan Society of Surgeons and the National Institute of Oncology, Misurata, and in cooperation with Al-Dakka Health Company to import orthopedic devices and equipment and equip hospitals.
The second day of the training workshop on
(advanced laparoscopic surgeries) was concluded in cooperation with Al Dekka
Company to import orthopedic devices and equipment and equip hospitals.
The Doctors who peformed performed the
Dr. Alaa Wafa, Dr. Ali Shaqan, and Dr. Rowad
Dr. Omar Al-Danfour and Dr. Hajar Al-Hawili.
The Technique of Anesthesia: Wafa.
Scrap: Fawzia and Hana.
– Supervision of operations: Suhair Al-Ammari.
And with the last days of the events the National cancer institute has come forward with its members by have presented 10 research papers , its unprecedented that a such hard work have been done in the same place considering the difficulties .
prof Abdallah Juwid
Right hemicolectomy with D3 lymphadenectomy; concept & outcome
Dr.Ala Wafa
Falciform ligament wrap with sleeve Gastrectomy for incidental hiatal hernia
Dr. Rowad Ferwan.
Laparoscopic and open adrenalectomy experience from national cancer institute – Misurata
Dr.Mohammed Alhasmey
Breast cancer laterality at National cancer Institute Libya, cross sectional study(2019-2020)
Dr.Habib Al Mortada
Dr. Abid Alsalme Sahobe
A Retrospective epidemiological study performed in National Cancer Institute.
Dr.Fatima Abudabus
Stage at diagnosis of breast cancer in Misurata NCI comparative study between 2013 & 2018
Dr. Abdulhakim Zagout
Design & validation of simulation training course for the management of acute craniomaxillofacial (CMF) Austere & war trauma by non-specialists
Dr.Muna abusanuga
The importance of surgical oncology specialty within libya cancer care program :Narrative review
Prof.Munir Omar Abdulmoula
Our experience in breast oncoplasty in national cancer institute
In conclusion, acertificate was presented to the participants and coordinators in this
workshop, and the shield of the accuracy company was presented for importing
orthopedic devices and equipment and equipping hospitals.