Surgery Oncology
The Department of Surgery performs all necessary operations and takes care of patients by providing them with the necessary medicines and following up with the highest levels of surgical care for cancer patients.
The department also trains and directs the new generation of surgeons through the pursuit of scientific discovery, development and innovation.
The Department of Surgery performs more than 3000 surgical procedures annually, including complex ones, by a surgical team made up of experts and specialists in subspecialties.
Of the available majors
General tumor surgery (breast, digestive system, melanoma, endocrine glands, and abdominal and retroperitoneal tumors).
Oral and dental surgery. Ear, Nose and Throat surgery.
Pediatric surgery. Head and neck surgery.
Urinary tract surgery. Brain and neurosurgery.
Gynecological oncology and endoscopy. -Eye surgery.
Thoracic surgery. Vascular surgery.
Orthopedic surgery (musculoskeletal and limb salvage).
The Department of Surgery also provides its services within the following polyclinic programs:
- Breast Cancer Program.
- The gastro-intestinal program.
- Neuro-oncology program.
- Urinary reproductive program.
- Eye Oncology Program.
- Head and Neck Program.
- Lung program.
- Gynecological Oncology Program.
- Endocrinology program.
Operations rooms
The Operations Department consists of the main operating rooms, which are equipped with the latest equipment, technologies, and devices.
Day care surgery unit
It is the unit devoted to surgical procedures that do not require patients to stay in the center, to provide more vacant beds in the inpatient ward, which contributes to reducing the number of patients on the waiting list.
The department also provides:
* Conducting all operations related to general surgery such as tumor eradication, endocrine surgery, and others
* Follow-up of various cases and provide treatment services to the patient.
Providing the necessary medicines before and after the operations.
* The department has approximately 40 beds divided between two wings, one for men and another for women.
* The department receives more than 200-300 cases per month.
* Educational and training activities.
Medical staff
The mission of the Department of Surgery at the National Institute of Oncology is to provide high-level health care for cancer patients, and to achieve this goal, the department’s management has built a medical cadre with distinguished expertise in various surgical specialties, which includes (consultants, surgeons, colleagues and residents).